- To provide quality product and backup support to client.
- To provide a 1-stop engineering support, technical consultation and outsourcing center for client.
- To setup a strong technical support team with solid technical support foundation in terms of staff, equipment, resources and database.
- To provide customer with timely, efficient and reliable after- sales service.
- To establish an environment where great service is recognized and rewarded and poor service is challenged and rectified.
- Having goals, policies and practices clearly visible to staff & customer.
- To develop an efficient database for information gathering system with more efficient method of disseminating the information to increase the response rate and more reliable data.
- To achieve zero complaint target.
We believe that continuous growth within the company is a must and the driving force behind this growth are attributed to the following beliefs:-
We believe in our business focus, which is to satisfy the customer’s requirement for quality and efficient service as a 1-stop solution provider, outsourced, and engineering center. This belief enables all efforts to be channeled on providing better support & service as shown in our business activities in sales and support. Learning about changing customer needs and learning to incorporate new technology into our business to make it relevant for today’s market demand.
We believe in the customer-focused business approach and many efforts are put into product design, pricing, marketing, consultancy and after sales support. As the market mature and with ever increase customer demand for professional execution of product & service quality, we need to move in tandem with market flow by increasing our staff knowledge and efficiency. We are always look ahead and plan for the future. The globalization of market place offers a challenging task and environment for us.
We believe our most valuable asset is the knowledge and skills of our staff. The company is not only run by it’s owner but more by the people. The company, then, will progress with perfect synchronized manner between various functional departments and their divisions. Each unit is to understand about value adding to products and services and cost-efficiency for improved competitiveness.